All babies experience the pain of cutting teething. They might not know what the cause is, but they know how much better they feel when the pain has gone away. A parent's touch is magic to a teething baby. And when that touch delivers soothing gel on irritated gums - it's likely the pain disappears like magic. There's solid, homeopathic medicine at work, but for your baby - you're the wizard that makes things feel all better. Wash hands and apply 1/4" ribbon to finger and rub carefully onto child's gums every 15 minutes as necessary.
Temporarily relieves symptoms of pain, simple restlessness and wakeful irritability due to cutting teeth.
Calcarea Phosphorica 12X HPUS, Chamomilla 6X HPUS (Chamomile), Coffea Cruda 6X HPUS, Belladonna 6X HPUS (0.0000003% Alkaloids, calculated).
More often than directed for more than 7 days in a row unless directed by doctor or dentist if your child has a known allergy to any ingredient in this product.